Fred Stone Gospel 6 Pack – Download


Pulled from our archives, we are releasing six of Perry’s father, Fred Stone’s favorite messages. You will be blessed to hear these powerful messages by this general of the faith.

This teaching is also available in a 6CD set.
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SKU: DL6CD104 Categories: , , ,


Pulled from our archives, we are releasing six of Fred Stone's favorite messages. We were recently moving boxes of material that dad left when he departed, and discovered a personal album where he had enclosed his six favorite messages. After listening to these fiery and anointed messages preached live, I felt friends and partners would enjoy re-living these moments, experiencing the anointing, and encountering fresh faith building inspiration from the amazing stories. Teachings include:

• How to Discern the Voice of God
• The Devil Stalker
• The Delivering Jesus
• The Sensational Jesus of Nazareth
• Holy Ghost Anointing in the Church
• The Gifts of Healing

– About Download Products –
After you buy this product, you'll get a download link on the checkout page and in your email.
The file is an mp3, which works with most audio devices and software.
You can download it a few times, but once it's on your device, you can play it as much as you want.
Choose “Save As” to save the file somewhere you can easily find on your computer.


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