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create  dangerous  road  rage,  and  cause   “Why do some         enemy’s favor or blessing will wither.
              premature deaths because of someone’s                               Years ago, a fellow minister began ver-
              out-of-control temper.           Christians enjoy                 bally attacking the ministry. The more I
                 A  spiritual  and  emotional manipu-  and seem to thrive       heard, the more puzzled I became about
              lator will try to take control  through                           why  anyone would  act in  such  a man-
              drama  and  confusion.  Where there is   on controversy and       ner. Two men stepped forward and said
              no  conflict,  they  can  easily  devise  it.
              These people create problems and then  conflict? The book         that  the fellow was simply  jealous of
                                                                                God’s blessing on the ministry.
              become  their  own  solution. They’ll  tell   of James teaches      A  noted  attorney  in  Cleveland,  Ten-
              you what happened and how bad it is,                              nessee told me not long ago, “In all the
              and then promise to handle it and clean  that the root is lust    time  you  have  been  in  this  town,  over
              it up. Thus, the villain becomes the hero,   that is battling     forty years, I have never known of any-
              the problem maker the problem solver,                             one in ministry who has more people
              opening or closing the curtain on unnec- the person’s flesh.      who  dislike  them,  but  can’t  explain
              essary drama. It would be like a person   James exposed           why.”  In  his  opinion  the  answer  was,
              intentionally  hammering  a  nail  into  a                        “Honestly, I think they are envious that
              tire,  then  declaring  the  tire  is  flat,  but   that they covet   you have built buildings, paid for them,
              taking  out  the  jack  and  fixing  the  tire                    and  continue to see large crowds. In-
              without anyone identifying the culprit.  something they           stead of thanking God, they want you to
               In life, business, and ministry, some-  cannot have.             fail.”
              times it’s necessary to remind people                               In the rules of the Kingdom, nobody
              that we aren’t running a drama club, but  Motivated by pride      will be blessed when they are filled with
              they can always sign up  for classes  at   and jealousy, they     envy,  jealousy,  and  strife  toward  oth-
              their local college. Inciters of drama and                        ers.  Saul lost  his anointing because of
              distraction cannot coexist with  peace-  create division.”        his jealousy toward David, and he was
              makers and focused workers.                                       eventually driven to his own destruction
               At times, God will allow circumstanc-                            through a tormenting spirit.
              es  to  arise,  such  as  when  Lot’s  strife   Paul and Peter clashed in a well-pub-
              surfaced,  to  reveal  that  people  must   licized  division  over the  subject  of cir-  SEPARATION IN THE NET
              part ways. Lot and Abraham remained   cumcision. Paul marked Peter as a hypo-  Separation is not always a bad thing.
              relatives, but they lived and worked in   crite because of how he treated Gentiles   When a negative situation arises, some-
              separate regions of the  Promised Land   when he was fellowshipping with Jews.   times  God  is  separating  the  fish  in  the
              for the remainder of their days.  Peter wrote that Paul preached some   dragnet. If someone cannot stand  with
               We often assume that contention is   things  hard  to  understand  (2  Pet.  3:15-  you,  eventually  they  will  stand  against
              caused by  the devil  working to divide.   16).  Yet  both  men  remained  apostles,   you. If they become envious, eventually
              Sometimes this is true; but other times,   with Paul overseeing the Gentiles, while   they will bully and harass as a manifes-
              contention is the only way God can sepa-  Peter directed the Jewish branch of the   tation of the spirit they’re entertaining.
              rate people to allow for unity and align-  church.                  A separation ordained by God is al-
              ment in a future season.                                          ways a positive thing. Gehazi was sepa-
               During a mission trip, Paul and Barn-  IN-HOUSE FIGHTING         rated  from  Elijah  as  his  servant,  but
              abas had a strong contention that divid-  Why do some Christians enjoy and seem   Elisha  replaced him.  Aaron was  sepa-
              ed  them,  causing  Barnabas  to  separate   to  thrive  on  controversy  and  conflict?   rated  from  Moses  as  the  High  Priest,
              from Paul in  anger and  take with  him   The  book  of  James  teaches  that  the   but Aaron’s sons stepped in. Judas was
              the young John Mark, the source of the   root is lust that is battling the person’s   separated  from  Christ’s  ministry,  but
              controversy (Acts 15:39).        flesh.  James  exposed  that  they  covet   Matthias was selected  to replace  him.
               Paul later selected Silas, who worked   something they cannot have. Motivated   Barnabas  left  Paul,  but  Silas  was  there
              well with Paul’s bold and, at times, bra-  by pride and jealousy, they create divi-  as the newly appointed apostle.
              zen personality.                 sion. The attitude is, “If I can’t have it,   The parable of the net is an end-time
               Demas, another traveling companion,   I’ll  make  sure  you  don’t  get  it,  either.”   parable. Other separation  parables ex-
              departed  from Paul  because he  loved   The Greek word envy carries the idea of   plain what will occur in the time of the
              the world and could not handle persecu-  something withering away. The imagery   end.  God  will  use  this  process to  clean
              tion (2 Tim. 4:10).              is that of a jealous person hoping their   up you, your family, and your church.

                                                                            VOICE OF EVANGELISM  |  JULY/AUGUST/SEPTEMBER  2022  11
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