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              upcoming judgment. His message fell on deaf ears and stone-  As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so it will be in the
              cold hearts. Noah was called a “preacher of righteousness”   days of the coming of Christ (Luke 17:26-29). In Noah’s day,
              (2 Pet. 2:5). His only converts were his immediate family and   all of his righteous ancestors died, including Methuselah, be-
              the wives of his three sons—making a total of eight people   fore the day the flood struck the earth. In Lot’s time, his fam-
              who survived the flood (1 Pet. 3:20).             ily members who lived in Sodom were under the influence
               In Lot’s day, Lot was called a righteous man who was   of the spirits controlling Sodom. Lot’s warning of destruction
              vexed daily with the filthy conversation of the wicked and   coming at sunrise was interpreted by his sons-in-law as some
              their unlawful deeds (2 Pet. 2:7-8). Out of thousands of   type of joke (Gen. 19:14).
              people living in the five cities, including Sodom, only one   In Ezekiel’s day, God said that He “sought for a man to
              man was a true intercessor who discerned the times, and   make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the
              that man was Abraham. His covenant walk with God enabled   land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none” (Ezek.
              him to receive the first warning that the cities at the Dead   22:30). Israel was a backslidden nation. The priests were
              Sea were marked for destruction (Gen 18). Abraham prayed   corrupt and were profaning holy things. The princes were
              for the city to be spared if only ten righteous could be found   like wolves, shedding innocent blood, destroying souls, and
              (Gen. 18:32). Sadly, only four escaped and all others were   getting dishonest gain. The prophets were prophesying lies
              consumed in fire and brimstone.                   and God was not sending them, while the common people of

                                                                            VOICE OF EVANGELISM  |  JULY/AUGUST/SEPTEMBER  2022  15
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