General Donations

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  2. Select a giving option
  3. Click “Donate Now”


Consider A Partnership


Your tax-deductible contribution to the Partner Strike Force enables the ministry to help spread the Gospel of Jesus around the world.  By joining today, you will get immediate access to the Partner Strike Force website, which includes the Monthly-Manna message as well as three monthly video updates by Perry Stone.

Join The Partner Strike Force!


1 Year Non-Renewing Begins at $360

Monthly Partnership Begins at $30.00

Quarterly Partnership Begins at $90.00

Annual Partnership Begins at $360.00

Special Projects

All donations on this page are tax-deductible except the Monthly-Manna Club.

Through The Lens Of  A Camera

In January 2020, the Lord told Perry that revival would come through the lens of a camera. Since that time, super-natural doors have been opened that have allowed Perry to preach the Gospel into areas of the world that have been unavailable until now. Help us bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world by supporting this new chapter at Voice of Evangelism Ministries.


Manna-Fest TV

In September of 2000,  Perry began broadcasting the Manna-Fest television program.  This end-time tool is now entering its third decade and now more than ever before, we're declaring the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout this time, we've been privileged to see God use the program to encourage and build up the body of Christ.  Your Manna-Fest TV donation will go towards television equipment and overhead to make the Manna-Fest programming possible.  Thank you for being a part of this special outreach ministry. It is greatly appreciated.


World Missions

V.O.E is actively working with ministers around the world to further the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are grateful for the generous support from individuals like you who have helped to make this possible.

Click here for a list of mission projects we are currently supporting.


Benevolence Samaritan Fund

Donations for Benevolence and Samaritan are used to assist with outreaches for crisis situations.   It is used through select organizations to assist orphanages as well as provide food and medical assistance.


Missions to Israel

This Fund is established to help those who depend on support for their most basic needs in the Holy Land.


Prison Ministry

Donations designated for PRISON MINISTRY enable our ministry to provide materials and resource materials to those that are currently incarcerated. We donate resource materials to prison Chaplains. These donated materials are a tool to reach and change the lives of prisoners. It evangelizes and enables spiritual growth to these new converts as well as provides teaching for group ministry within prisons across the nation. VOE currently provides books and materials from our ministry to literally hundreds of prisoners on a regular basis at no charge because of donations given for this cause.


Join the Message of the Month Club!

Monthly Message Club Begins at $10.00

Annual Message Club Begins at $120.00

Digital Only Products Are Accessed

Online.  No CDs Are Mailed.


Each month a special message is chosen by Perry to be delivered by mail or accessed through the website for those supporters who are a member of the Monthly-Manna club.

The Monthly-Manna club is not tax-deductible.

Global Prayer Center

Donate to help support the Global Prayer Center.  This ministry is focused on intercession and carrying the needs of others to God in prayer.  The Global Prayer Center is located in Cleveland, Tennessee.  Weekly prayer services are held at the T.L. Lowery Building also known as ISOW Headquarters.


Disaster Relief

Donations designated to Disaster Relief are used to aid with emergency crisis situations. We partner with the Christian organization, Operation Compassion and other local organizations to assist victims of floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and natural disasters.


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