Legacy Giving
Living Beyond Heaven
It may seem difficult to comprehend that there is something better than heaven! Growing up in a minister’s home, my teaching and visual concept was that heaven was the ultimate final destination. However, I have discovered one thing “better than heaven itself”. It’s you being responsible for taking other pe
ople to heaven with you! Heaven would not be the same without my family and loved ones being there.
There is also another unique opportunity that you experience to “Live Beyond Heaven”. How is t
his possible? Consider our mental conception and spiritual understanding of heaven; the land beyond this world. Once we depart this life, our eternal spirit enters the heavenly paradise, and we cease from our labors, entering into eternal rest (Heb. 4:9). Yet, it is possible to continue “living on earth” while dwelling in heaven, not physically but by the power of influence!
There are many ministers who have passed into eternity, yet their television and radio programs continue to release blessings to thousands. Their books are still popular reading and their voice on audio format continue to shout out in a clear voice the messages from the inspired Word of God. There physical presence is missing, but their voice continues strong. The point is, the end of your life does not necessarily mean the end of your influence. Your obedience, influence, and purpose can actually outlive you, living beyond your final journey home.
This unique opportunity is being made possible to you, through the Voice of Evangelism Legacy Giving Plan. This plan was set into motion after hearing a very amazing and unique word from the Holy Spirit. While in study and prayer, I clearly heard these words, “the dead shall build the ministry!” Anyone hearing this statement without hearing the explanation, would consider the idea “far out”. However, I immediately comprehended this prediction.
It referred to men, women, and families who would place Voice of Evangelism and OCI Ministries in their estate plannings, charitable annuities, and final Will and Testaments. Although their physical presence will be missed, they continue to reach souls as a result of their legacy giving.
Emmie Piper and the Television Camera
Everyone should have enjoyed the blessing of meeting and knowing Emmie Piper. She was a woman who was financially and materially blessed and loved investing in the Kingdom of God. I recall in the late 1990’s, our ministry desperately needed a field production Digital Television Camera, required to comply with new Federal Commination laws. After prayer, I contacted Emmie, knowing she loved the ministry and sowed financial seed in to major soul winning projects.
She immediately responded and we purchased a new camera, which was used to tape Manna-Fest programs on location in Israel, prophetic DVDs from the Holy Land, and teaching from the VOE studio. Literally millions of individuals globally were reached with the telecast and DVD documentaries.
Years later, on a hot summer day, I received news that Emmie had passed in the early morning hours, at her home in Cleveland, TN. It was months later, her husband Bob decided a smaller home would be best for him. He chose to have an Estate auction. He auctioned Emmie’s earthly possessions at the largest estate auction (2 days straight, with two auctioneers going at the same time) ever conducted in Cleveland. While at the auction, I recall her son being so upset because the family only received pennies on the dollar for Emmie’s very expensive items. So much so he threatened to close down the auction. After speaking with him, his spirit calmed and I told him the story of his mother purchasing the television camera for us. I said, “According to 2 Corinthians we, your mother’s soul and spirit are in Paradise, in the third heaven. However, years ago she purchased VOE a television camera, which today is still being used to reach millions of people. Do you realize, that every time a program is aired and a soul converted, she is still building up her heavenly reward, even though she is not here physically? As long as the camera is being used and programs are blessing and helping multitudes, fruit is accredited to her account in heaven.”
I call this spiritual principle, “Absent but Present”. When we are absent from our body, we are present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:6). However, when we set aside finances or other forms of investments, after we depart they are used here on earth to spread the Gospel, feed the poor, reach the prisoner, and win the lost. We are “absent” but our “works” are still present and being activated through ministry.
Paul reminded his ministry partners of their significant contribution that was assisting him in reaching the unreachable with the redemptive message of Christ. He Wrote:
“Nevertheless you have done well that you shared in my distress. Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, where I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only. For even in Thessalonica you send aid once and again for my necessities. Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. “
Philippians 4:14-18
You can’t take your new flat screen to heaven, but you can take your fruit, which refers to the souls won to Christ through your prayers and financial gifts.