Walking Into The Future

by | Jun 27, 2016


OCI (Omega Center International) is our regional, North America outreach geared toward this generation and our large facility hosts our numerous major conferences, including the Main Event (October), the Partner’s Homecoming (June), the Prophetic Summit (April), Warrior Fest (March) and Reformation week-ends (various times).

Under the leadership of Perry Stone, both VOE and OCI are actively involved in seizing every ministry opportunity to advance the message of the Kingdom of God to both the Body of Christ and the unconverted in North America and the world. Some of our most important plans and projects are listed here.

The Voice of Evangelism (VOE) is the national and international arm of Perry Stone’s ministry and includes 7 major points of outreach:

  • Regional Conferences and special speaking Events
  • The Voice of Evangelism Magazine
  • The Printed ministry of books
  • The Manna-Fest telecast
  • The Resource Outreach – CDS and DVDS
  • The World Missions Outreach
  • The Samaritan Outreach and Prison Outreach


It is a vision of this ministry to minister to and impact the lives of the youth in this generation. There are numerous youth addicted to alcohol and drugs, and sadly, some die prematurely through accidental overdoses before being reached and helped. Years ago the VOE purchased a large house for Women of Hope, a rehabilitation ministry. In the future we desire to build a “Wholeness Center,” geared to teens and college age youth who need addiction counseling, and who can enter an 18 month, biblically centered recovery program. The ministry has been promised property in which to build this center in the future, but will require funds for the construction and support for the team counselors.


ILA (International Leadership Academy) will become an on location teaching center to instruct individuals (especially youth) in all forms of ministry, including evangelism, music, children’s outreach, world missions and general spiritual leadership principles. Eventually courses will be available on line with the possibility of the students receiving college credit. The long term plan is providing an opportunity for students to attend the Academy, living on site in dorms at the OCI Ranch for 9 months of intensive teaching and hands on training.


Perry has personally written the commentary on the entire Bible in this informative Study Bible. The commentary emphasizes both Hebraic thought and prophetic insight. The projected completion of this Bible for distribution is set for between 2016 and 2017. Through major financial contributions, several partners and friends have assisted us in this legacy project and we continue to need the support of many others to complete the layout and printing of the first 15,000 copies.


There are future plans to construct a beautiful youth camp, accommodating up to 400 youth that will be available throughout the summer for a week of spiritual enrichment, teaching, and fun. The camp will include dormitories, cafeteria, meeting rooms, “Gods’ theater,” study cubicles, and sports activity areas. When the camp is not used in the summer it will serve as dorms for the Leadership Academy.

The Night-Vision of God's Call to the Nations

“It was November 1988. Late in the night I experienced a marvelous vision, in which I was standing in a small, simple, “shotgun” shaped concrete building with wooden benches. I discerned this was a church in a foreign nation that VOE had financially assisted in building. I remember hearing a loud voice speaking to me from the front, and saying, “All I am going to tell you now is Psalms 2:8.” I awoke, wondering what Psalms 2:8 said. I got out of bed and retrieved my study Bible from my office in the basement. I was amazed as I read, “Ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.” A few weeks later I was invited to travel to Bulgaria and minister to 10,000 people in the large Communist hall. For several years I journeyed to both Romania and Bulgaria, ministering in churches, auditoriums and outdoor evangelism outreaches. Thousands were converted to Christ and some of my early converts now pastor churches in these nations! My missionary journeys include Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, Mexico, England, South Africa and a host of other nations in which I personally preached to thousands, saw many come to Christ and multitudes baptized in the Holy Spirit. The unsaved (heathen – Ps. 2:8) are also being reached in 249 nations with the Manna-Fest telecast.” – Perry Stone, Jr.It is a vision of this ministry to minister to and impact the lives of the youth in this generation. There are numerous youth addicted to alcohol and drugs, and sadly, some die prematurely through accidental overdoses before being reached and helped. Years ago the VOE purchased a large house for Women of Hope, a rehabilitation ministry. In the future we desire to build a “Wholeness Center,” geared to teens and college age youth who need addiction counseling, and who can enter an 18 month, biblically centered recovery program. The ministry has been promised property in which to build this center in the future, but will require funds for the construction and support for the team counselors.

Reaching the Next Generation

Part of Perry’s end-time assignment is to become a spiritual father to a fatherless generation and turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and children to the fathers (Mal. 4:5-6). This includes Biblical instruction, mentoring, and hosting events at OCI geared toward the youth (averaging ages twelve to thirty-five). The final promise to the end time generation is that God will pour out His Spirit upon the sons and daughters (Joel 2:28-29). The OCI ministry was birthed and built to be a part of experiencing the fulfillment of God’s promise to the sons and daughters. Entire youth groups attend Warrior-Fest and Reformation week-ends and we suggest for parents and grandparents to get your children, and college age youth involved in these encounters.

The Prison Outreach

VOE provides libraries with our books to prisons with the official request of the prison chaplain. We have sent thousands of books which are read daily by those incarcerated. The spiritual results from this outreach are amazing, as we receive hundreds of letters each month, including men testifying how their faith was restored and they returned to the Lord, or have been transformed by the power of the Word of God.

The World Missions Fund

VOE World Missions Fund is a life-line of support for several long term missionaries whose ministries are reaching unreached people, groups and third world nations with the Gospel. At times VOE is the sole support of evangelist gatherings in which 10 to up to 40,000 people are in attendance. The fund also provides monthly support for several orphanages, helping to dig wells and feeding the hungry in various nations. Hundreds of thousands of souls have been won to Christ since the inception of our World Missions Fund. One hundred percent of the income from this fund goes to overseas missions projects and evangelism.

The Samaritan Fund

The Samaritan fund is named in memory of the Biblical “Good Samaritan” who assisted the wounded traveler (Luke 10:30-35). Each month  VOE designates a tithe (10%) out of the non-designated donations, placing them in a fund that assist 501 (C) (3) feeding organizations in North America that we personally know and have been approved by the ministry. Some feeding and clothing organizations have said that without the monthly income provided, they would be unable to provide food for the poor in their area and would literally close their doors. This outreach is based upon Matthew 25:34-40.

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