Breaking the Jewish Code in Spanish


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Now in Spanish translation, discover the 12 Secrets of the Jewish Code in Perry Stone's landmark book, Breaking the Jewish Code.

Recognized for his Hebraic teaching, Perry Stone spent hundreds of hours preparing this 236-page eye-opening book, with information seldom taught or known among Christians. You will learn:

The Hebrew secrets to raising and training children, by following God's five established life cycles.

Seven things parents can do to bless their children, including selecting a prophetic name for them, and the Jewish prayer you can pray over your children for protection and blessing!

How to mark your house with God's Word, the four promises for a barren woman, and the Biblical secrets of breaking infertility and giving birth.

How the 7 foods in the Holy Land are keys to health, why eating Kosher is better for you

Advice and wisdom principles about wealth from history's wealthiest Hebrew – including Perry's personal insight and commentary of what wealthy believers have taught him.

Discover the 3 investments God instructed ancient Israel to invest in.

Learn about coded messages in the Hebrew Alphabet, Jewish Feast cycles, Sabbath secrets, special meals, and the Jewish procedure and methods used when dedicating a newborn infant to God.

How Hebrew prophecy has influenced world leader's decisions, and the four levels of growing a family tree.

Learn how a single mother and widow can impart blessing to her children when a man is not in the home and much, much more.

Each chapter concludes with, “What God knew, what the Jews know, and what Christians should know,” revealing how to apply the content, practically, for your personal life! This 236-page book includes sections with special charts, Hebrew letters, and lists Biblical names and their meanings for naming children.

Additional information

Weight 19 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in


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