Chronicles of the Sacred Mountain Book (Kindle Edition)


This product is a Kindle ebook.  It is downloadable and available for immediate viewing. 

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This product is a Kindle ebook.  It is downloadable and available for immediate viewing. 

Perry Stone has placed in print, his new landmark book, Chronicles of the Sacred Mountain, written to help answer numerous unusual and complex questions about the heavenly mysteries of the past, present and future! Some of the topics will include:

  • The Bible says we will one day judge the angels. How is that possible?
  • Could the New Jerusalem be a pyramid and not a cube?
  • If I had a miscarriage, will I see my child in heaven?
  • Do my loved ones in heaven have knowledge of things occurring on earth?
  • At death, how long does the human spirit linger on earth?
  • What will we look like in heaven?

Chronicles of the Sacred Mountain also unlocks one of the greatest mysteries from ages past, as recorded by the prophet Ezekiel, concerning Satan, the anointed cherub who walked among the stones of fire. What was his link to the heavenly New Jerusalem?

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Additional information

Weight 12 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in


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