For the past forty years, the Holy Spirit has given Perry Stone visions and dreams which included national warnings – years before they occurred!
On this 2-hour DVD, Perry will reveal four dreams and visions from his private journal that have yet to occur and in some way will impact the United States. Further, this DVD has insightful information, and here are just a few of the topics included. “How to discern between spiritual warnings and normal dreams”, “How angels manifest in dreams”, “How to detect Biblical symbols and their meaning”, and “How to pray through a warning dream”. In addition to this DVD, Perry will include in this offer his prophetic audio CD, “When God Surprises a New World Order. On this compelling, prophetic audio CD, Perry asks the question, what is happening behind the scenes that leaders are hiding and refusing to reveal to the American people? Could the new emerging viruses be a form of population control?
A very informative package answering many unknown mysteries.
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