World Missions – Recurring
Donations to Missions are used to support the following:
- V.O.E. supports five main missionaries who minister in Indonesia, Africa, Latin America, India, Sri Lanka, and Mexico. We also support special world mission projects.
- V.O.E. actively works to distribute the Holy Bible, the inspired written Word of God, into far-reaching countries, that might not have otherwise received the good news.
- V.O.E. supports orphanages that provide food for the poor children in the orphanages on a monthly basis.
- V.O.E. supports feeding lepers in India, water well drilling projects and food assistance to the poor in third world countries
- V.O.E. supports the outdoor soul winning evangelism in various nations as well as inner prison evangelism. Recently over 300 prisoners in an Islamic nation came to Christ through one of our mission outreaches!
- V.O.E. missionaries often travel to areas where few if any missionaries have ever been.
- V.O.E. supports pastors and leadership conferences in foreign nations for training men and women for ministry.
- V.O.E. supports projects in the Holy Land which include a dental clinic in Israel and a special project at the Bethlehem Bible School.
- Many churches have cut off their missions giving. This has caused great distress to many missionaries and required these soul winners to return to America. THIS SHOULD NOT BE! V.O.E. continues to support SOUL WINNING and assisting the poor in third world countries. Thousands upon thousands of souls have come to Christ through the work of our five missionaries.