These chapters deal with Moses’ ordination of Aaron and his sons. Notice that Moses became the mediator of the Law and the one who ordained the priests. Earlier, God had given Moses instructions for sin offerings (see Lev. 4:1-35; 6:24-30), but this was the first place the sin offering was performed. The altar was anointed by oil and blood, indicating the need for the anointing of the Spirit and the cleansing power of blood to deliver mankind from bondage and sin. The blood placed on the right ear, thumb, and toe of the priests came from the peace offering, indicating that the priests would walk and work in God’s peace and have the ear to hear God’s voice. The ritual concluded with the oil and blood being sprinkled on the garments of the priests, indicating these men of God must carry the Holy Spirit’s anointing and bear the burden of ministry when dealing with the sins of the people.
In chapter 9, the consecration concluded the eighth day. The fire of God fell from heaven as an indication of God’s approval (v. 23-24). This supernatural miracle of fire also occurred in the time of Gideon (see Judg. 6:21), with Manoah and his wife (see Judg. 13:19-23), when David dedicated the threshing floor (see 1 Chron. 21), when Solomon dedicated the temple (see 2 Chron. 7:1), and when Elijah confronted the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (see 1 Kings 18:38).
From Page 215 of the Perry Stone Hebraic Prophetic Old Testament Study Bible