Welcome to 

Whether you're visiting Cleveland, Tennessee for one of our conferences, journeying to Israel to see the Holy Land, or tuning in to the latest “Manna-Fest” episode, you've found the right spot! We're on the move, and you're invited to join us in the work of the Lord here at Perry Stone Ministries.

We're Glad You're Here!

Where it all began!

For over 40 years, we've had our hands to the plow and, Glory to God, we're not looking back!

At sixteen, I felt a clear call from God to go into ministry. Since then, I've seen God's hand guiding me, especially as I started spreading the Word through evangelism. Today, we're still traveling to different churches across the country, witnessing the Holy Spirit at work in powerful ways. Click here to see where I'm heading to next!

Since 1985, we have taken annual tours to the Holy Land. I believe it's one of the most amazing journeys a believer can experience. I've been blessed to go over 40 times, and every trip has been meaningful, teaching me something new about the Lord. Israel has had a huge impact on me, both personally and spiritually.

Back in September 2000, we started airing a new TV show called Manna-Fest. Every week, we're reaching more cities with our TV outreach, and now millions of households can now tune in. It's amazing to watch God expand what we're doing, bringing the church's message right into your home!

You're invited to Cleveland, Tenneessee!

We hold several conferences each year at the Omega Center International here in Tennessee. 

Warrior-Fest is a powerful youth conference that draws in thousands of young people from around the world. The main focus of Warrior-Fest is the infilling of young people with the Holy Spirit. The conference ends with a tremendous fire-tunnel prayer service that culminates into a Holy Ghost celebration!

The International Prophetic Summit is held during the first part of each year and centers around current event in Biblical Prophecy.  As we get further into the End Times, these conferences become more impacting, revealing hidden meanings of many current events.

The Main Event conference is a homecoming event for those who follow the ministry. There are morning and evening services and a Fall Festival located on the ministry property that weekend.

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Consider partnering with us!

Your tax-deductible contribution to the Partner Strike Force enables the ministry to help spread the Gospel of Jesus around the world.  By joining today, you will get immediate access to the Partner Strike Force website, which includes the Monthly-Manna message as well as three monthly video updates by Perry Stone.

Join The Partner Strike Force!


1 Year Non-Renewing Begins at $360

Monthly Partnership Begins at $30.00

Quarterly Partnership Begins at $90.00

Annual Partnership Begins at $360.00

Just for you!

To say “Thank you” for taking the time to learn about the ministry, I've selected a something special to share that's dear to my heart.  I hope it blesses you.

View our latest resources

Perry is always working to bring new in-depth teachings to the body of Christ. We pray they will be a blessing to you.


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