Chronicles of the Sacred Mountain Pkg


SKU: CS-117 Categories: ,


Manna-Fest Offer CS-117 “Chronicles of the Sacred Mountain” includes Perry's latest book, “Chronicles of the Sacred Mountain” along with audio CD, “The Daniel Key to the Messiah's Return” and audio CD “Hidden Prophecies in the Parables of Jesus.” 3 powerful resources to answer complex questions about heaven, apocalyptic events and end time predictions that are concealed in the parables of Christ! Some of the topics include:

Do my loved ones in heaven have knowledge of what’s occurring on earth?

At death, does the human spirit of the departed linger for 3 days on earth as the ancient Jews believed?

How will we look in heaven and will our family know us as they did on earth?

If a loved one dies unsaved, will we always remember them or does God remove that memory in heaven?

The Bible says we will one day judge the angels, how is that possible?

and more!

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in


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