A complete and advanced prophetic 8 message teaching album by Perry Stone and Bill Cloud recorded live as the 2020 April Prophetic Summit Webinar. This 8 message album is available on audio CD ,DVD or On-Demand Video.
The 8 messages include:
1. Unlocking the Maranatha Code (Perry Stone)
2. The Mystery of the Breaker: Kingdom of Heaven & Kingdom of Darkness (Bill Cloud)
3. Future EMP Attacks in Apocalyptic Prophecies (Perry Stone)
4. The Joseph Factor (Bill Cloud)
5. The Coming War of Gog and MaGog: The Ezekiel File (Perry Stone)
6. The War in Edom: And the Reunification of Israel (Bill Cloud)
7. The Enoch Cipher: Future Cosmic Signs of Christ’s Return (Perry Stone)