Thank you for visiting Perry Stone Ministries. We are excited to be an affiliate of The Jim Bakker Show to offer you these resources.
We believe you will be blessed by these teachings from Perry to encourage you on your walk with the Lord.
We invite you to stand with us and The Jim Baker Show as we work together for a great end-time harvest.
Latest Jim Bakker Offer
Breaking Prophetic Codes - 6 CD Set
Perry Stone is a noted leader in teaching the church a powerful prophetic principle of how the future is concealed in the past. This principle has been known to the Jewish Rabbis for centuries. Perry personally selected these six live messages to include in this series explaining this. Each brings detailed remarkable insight concealed in ancient Biblical narratives to unlock prophetic codes!
The Six Messages in this teaching include:
• The Armageddon Code Hidden in the Story of Gideon
• The Tribulation Code Hidden in Purim
• The Exodus Code
• Unlocking the Maranatha Code
• End-Time Secrets Hidden in the Parables of Jesus
• Decoding the Israeli-American Cipher
America's Prophetic Reset Pkg
America's Apocalyptic ResetIncluded in this offer is Perry's book: "America's Apocalyptic Reset" along with a new 2-CD album, "The Inside Prophetic Briefing". This book is being called the most important prophetic document in print in recent years! Several chapters are so “content-sensitive” that the material will not be placed on social media or on television. Topics included in this book:
Plans for a Global Reset
Christians Facing the Courts of Babylon
The Coming Persecution Against Christianity in America
Should Christians Resist or Submit to a Corrupt Government?
The Balaam Plot and America’s Self-Cure
Necessary Resistance: Elijah and Jezebel – The Coming Clash
Going Underground: The Secret Strategies of Oppressed People
The Woman Who Would be President
The Rise of the Trump Stump
How Can the Prophets Get it Wrong?
Silicon Valley: The Land of Sand
What the Deep State Did to My Friend
America: Where Ancient Empires Meet
Has America Entered Her Fullness of Time?
This new book unmasks the radical’s blueprints to silence Christians, Patriots, and Conservatives. On the 2-CD album included in this offer, Perry shares nearly two hours of revealing Biblical, Political, National, and International Insights, Revelation, and Information that can’t be shared on social media or television.
Americas Apocalyptic Reset #1 Best Seller
America's Apocalyptic Reset - This is the #1 best-selling book in the history of the ministry and A MUST-READ FOR EVERY PATRIOTIC-LOVING AMERICAN! This book is being called the most important prophetic document in print in recent years! Several chapters are so “content-sensitive” that the material will not be placed on social media or on television. Topics included in this book:
Plans for a Global Reset
Christians Facing the Courts of Babylon
The Coming Persecution Against Christianity in America
Should Christians Resist or Submit to a Corrupt Government?
The Balaam Plot and America's Self-Cure
Necessary Resistance: Elijah and Jezebel - The Coming Clash
Going Underground: The Secret Strategies of Oppressed People
The Woman Who Would be President
The Rise of the Trump Stump
How Can the Prophets Get it Wrong?
Silicon Valley: The Land of Sand
What the Deep State Did to My Friend
America: Where Ancient Empires Meet
Has America Entered Her Fullness of Time?
Unmasking the Radical's Blueprints to silence Christians, Patriots, and Conservatives - America's Apocalyptic Reset.
Prophecies Concealed Now Revealed Book
Within the Body of Christ are multiple voices, often teaching different orders of future events. Some emphasize a pre-tribulation return, while others point to a mid-tribulation or post tribulation coming of Christ for the church. Who is right and can we know for certain? After 40 years of ministry and over 120,000 hours of personal Biblical research, Perry Stone believes he has discovered, with certainty, the order of future events as concealed in Israel’s final three fall festivals! When reading this book, you will learn that the chain of God’s divine order cannot be broken—as the types, patterns and fall festivals point to a pre-tribulation return of Christ for the overcoming believer (Revelation 2 and 3). Perry also takes “another look” at the days of Noah and Lot. He exposes fresh insight from Jewish sources that indicate this generation is running parallel to the signs from Noah and Lot’s day—pointing to Christ’s return (Luke 17:26-29).
A few of the 13 chapters include:
• How the Progressive Order of the Three Fall Festivals Conceal the Order of All Future Events
• How Yom Kipper is the Only Festival with an Amazing “Double Fulfillment”
• How Genetic Manipulation in Noah’s Day Is Being Repeated Today
• The One Key That Unlocks God’s Judgment and The Visions of Tsunamis That Are Coming
• The Main Triggers That Transfer the World from Grace to Tribulation Judgment
• The Termination of the Church Age Which Many Mid and Post Tribulation Followers Never Explain
• What Did Jesus Mean When Saying “This Generation Shall Not Pass Until All Things are Fulfilled?” Are We That Generation?
• Yom Hakesseh—The Hidden Day and Who Will Escape What Is Coming?
These are just a few of the numerous subjects conveyed in this exciting revelation into the prophetic future of the church, the individual believer and Israel.
Get Your Free Chapter Now!
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Journey into Eternity Pkg
In this offer receive Perry Stone’s landmark book, YOUR JOURNEY INTO ETERNITY
Discover what occurs the moment your inner eyes are opened at death and your spirit returns to God.
Journey through the three levels of heaven, including paradise, where Christian martyrs rest.
Learn about:
the new body you will receive at Christ’s return or at the resurrection.
And why the dead, at times, appear in dreams, and what memories you have after death.
Learn about:
the marriage supper in heaven from a Hebraic perspective.
and what the bible teaches about the new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem coming down.
Perry unlocks the mystery of babies in Heaven, including miscarried and aborted infants.
Perry also explains what our thousand-year reign with Christ will look like on Earth.
Read Perry’s parabolic revelation about, “What if God said yes to the dead?”
Will your family circle be unbroken in eternity?
Perry presents often untaught insights using his in-depth, biblical research, from the Old and New Testaments. The book includes incredible Greek and Hebrew word studies as well as amazing stories that reveal secrets of life after death, events in Heaven, and life on the new earth!
Also included in this offer you receive an audio teaching, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, that friends say is the most interesting Biblical teaching from the book of Revelation he has ever taught. In this teaching, Perry shares secrets in Heaven’s Temple - the most important building in Heaven, where all human records and tribulation judgment files are kept. It is here where you will stand at the judgment seat, before Christ’s throne, and give a face-to-face account of what the angels have written about you, from birth to death, including all your idle words and how you treated others.
This is a teaching that will alert you to what you say and cause you to guard your words and actions!