Antichrist, His Confederacy, and the Final Eighth Empire

This teaching from Perry Stone helps to unlock the final mystery! He has prepared this NEW 8-Lesson expanded and detailed teaching contained in 4-DVDs on the Antichrist, His Confederacy, and the World’s Final Eighth Empire – The Empire that will Seize the World in the Future!


The First-Born Battles

When a family has multiple children, why is there such a battle in the life of their first-born child, especially with a first-born male child? There is a strong biblical principle that the adversary fights related to the “law of the first-born.” This unusual teaching will be of great assistance to you and your family.


The Final Ciphers and the Return of Christ

In his new landmark book on end-time prophecy, Perry Stone has discovered stunning information that unlocks ancient ciphers. These ciphers conceal secrets for our generation that point to Christ’s return.  There are 20 Chapters of new prophetic insight including how COVID-19 fits into biblical end-time signs.


From Pentecost to Trumpets

This teaching will explain the “church age” (Pentecost) and how we are progressing toward the festival of Trumpets, the imagery of the Rapture of the Church. A great teaching for those who love the Hebraic link to prophecy. This message was preached in Hixon, Tennessee.


Moving God and Binding Satan by the Blood

The older saints often spoke of “pleading the blood of Christ” against any type of attack that they identified as an attack of the adversary. Discover your spiritual authority and the power of Christ’s blood. This message was preached in Hixson, Tennessee.


Seed of the Serpent and Hill of the Skull

On this audio CD, Perry explores what the seed of the serpent actually is, teaching you the amazing link between the severed head of Goliath, the giant from Gath, and the mystery of Golgotha, the hill where Christ was crucified.

The Spirits of Miscarried Infants in Heaven

If you have ever lost a child before or after birth or know someone who has, this will be the most encouraging teaching you will hear. We also discuss predestination, foreknowledge, and the question, “did our spirit pre-exist with God in the beginning, or does it come into existence at conception?”


Preparing and Surviving During Hard Times

As Christians, how much should we prepare for possible natural disasters or economic crises? With civil unrest and from a practical, spiritual, and economic perspective, what should we do? This teaching delves into the biblical and practical side of being prepared.


2020 Epic Times Prophetic Summit - DVD

A complete prophetic 8 message teaching album by Perry Stone and Bill Cloud recorded live in October 2020 Epic Times Prophetic Summit Webinar.  These 8 messages are released for the first time on DVD. This complete set includes 8 prophetic teachings surrounding one of the most eventful periods in recent history.


2020 Epic Times Prophetic Summit - CD

A complete prophetic 8 message teaching album by Perry Stone and Bill Cloud recorded live in October 2020 Epic Times Prophetic Summit Webinar.  These 8 messages are released for the first time on DVD. This complete set includes 8 prophetic teachings surrounding one of the most eventful periods in recent history.


The Spirits of Miscarried Infants in Heaven

If you have ever lost a child before or after birth or know someone who has, this will be the most encouraging teaching you will hear. We also discuss predestination, foreknowledge, and the question, “did our spirit pre-exist with God in the beginning, or does it come into existence at conception?”


The Rapture Revelation

This is one of Perry’s most requested teachings on the Rapture of the Church.  This series was previously offered for a limited time but is now being re-released at this special price. Order yours today while supplies last!


Preparing and Surviving During Hard Times

As Christians, how much should we prepare for possible natural disasters or economic crises? With civil unrest and from a practical, spiritual, and economic perspective, what should we do? This teaching delves into the biblical and practical side of being prepared.


Exposing Satan’s Final and Most Effective Attacks

For two millennia, the Christian church has developed a theology about Satan and his kingdom. However, not much has been taught on Satan’s final end-time attack. This strategic assignment has been unleashed, especially within the past two years in the nation, the church, and in individual lives.

Spiritual Warfare Secrets Concealed in the Life of Job

This one-hour CD teaching is an eye-opener every Christian should hear, as it also reveals more than what most people have been taught about the story of Job.


When You Dream About Snakes

Every person dreams. The most troubling dream is one involving snakes. On this teaching, Perry will explain what he has learned about “snake dreams,” helping you discern the warnings or meaning of any serpent dream.


The Final Ciphers and the Return of Christ

In his new landmark book on end-time prophecy, Perry Stone has discovered stunning information that unlocks ancient ciphers. These ciphers conceal secrets for our generation that point to Christ’s return.  There are 20 Chapters of new prophetic insight including how COVID-19 fits into biblical end-time signs.


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