Perry Stone was called by the Lord at an early age into the ministry of Bible Prophecy. Over the years, he has helped to bring greater clarity to the prophecies of the Bible through his weekly television program, Manna-Fest.

On this page, you'll discover a wealth of teachings carefully compiled from Perry's years of ministry for your personal growth and a deeper understanding of biblical prophecy. We've thoughtfully organized these resources into three sets, providing you with a clear path to knowledge of God's word and its profound revelations about future events. Start your journey today!

Prophetic Learning Center Set 1 offers some of our most popular teachings, sought after by believers like you. These resources provide a clear overview of Biblical Prophecy and help to shed light on important events to watch for as we approach the soon return of the Lord.  Explore these teachings for valuable insight into Bible Prophecy!

Set 1 – Introduction To Bible Prophecy

This Set Includes the Following Teachings


CD022 Mystery of the Parable of the Fig Tree

CD140 Israel: God’s Time Clock for the Second Coming

CD155 Daniel’s Key Concerning the Return of Christ

DV105 Israel and the Battle of Gog and Magog

DV135 Tough Questions About the Rapture

DV147 Bloodline of the Beast

DV171 The Apocalypse Made Easy

BK-030 America’s Apocalyptic Reset

BK-032 The Visions Book

Save 20% ($136 If purchased separately)


Set 1 Introduction to Bible Prophecy


Description of Teachings

Set 1 – Introduction to Bible Prophecy

CD022 Mystery of the Parable of the Fig Tree: One parable Jesus said we should learn was the parable of the fig tree. Perry digs deep into the Word to reveal modern Israel's link to the amazing prophetic insight that was preached at one of our main conferences.

CD140 Israel: God’s Time Clock for the Second Coming: In this message, Perry reveals five distinct areas in Israel where end-time prophecies are being fulfilled. He presents research on the discovery of the lost tribes, and includes several amazing and unique predictions given by Jewish rabbis.

CD155 Daniel’s Key Concerning the Return of Christ: While in deep study, Perry began to notice a fabulous, often overlooked key in Daniel 9 that may help prophetic students to understand how God is dealing with Gentiles on His prophetic calendar, and when the fullness of times may climax, leading to the Great Tribulation. This audio is a must hear for all who love Bible Prophecy!

DV105 Israel and the Battle of Gog and Magog: This special DVD was taped on location in Israel, this DVD explains the coming war of Gog & Magog. This infamous battle is alluded to in Ezekiel 38 and 39. This is the only war that Muslims, Jews, and Christians all agree will occur in the last days.

DV135 Tough Questions About the Rapture: On this DVD, Perry answers some of the toughest questions about the Rapture. Topics include The Revelation of the Catching Away, The Rapture: Revelation of the Great Assembly,  Old Testament Proof of the Coming Christ, The Rapture—To Be or Not to Be, Bible Evidence for a Pre-Tribulation Catching Away, Explaining the Mystery of the 7th Trumpet.

DV147 Bloodline of the Beast: Perry masterfully placed prophetic symbolism together and painted a clear picture of Revelation for anyone, including those with little to no knowledge of Bible prophecy. This word is relevant for today’s times, and it will give you a clear order of events to come. Perry also explains the role of Islam in future events.

DV171 The Apocalypse Made Easy: The book of Revelation (the Apocalypse) is the least-read and most misunderstood book in the Bible. On this two-hour DVD, Perry Stone ensures that anyone, of any age, can clearly understand the history, symbolism, and predictions concealed in the Apocalypse.   What makes this teaching unique is the method Perry uses to detail this end-time vision and the simplicity with which he explains difficult passages. The Apocalypse Made Easy is long overdue and will help you and your family finally understand John's prophetic revelation.

BK-030 America’s Apocalyptic Reset: In this book, Perry unmasks the radical’s blueprints to silence Christians, Patriots, and Conservatives and asks, “Has America arrived at her assignment as a Judeo-Christian-based Empire?”

BK-032 The Visions Book: Now is the time to share visions from Perry’s personal dreams and vision journal publicly, revealing what was, what is, and what is to come.

Prophetic Learning Center Set 2 begins where Set 1 ends, offering a deeper dive into the book of Daniel and an exploration of the strategies of the antichrist in a 4DVD series.  This is an opportunity for believers to continue their journey deeper into Bible Prophecy. This set also provides insights into the Rapture of the Church, drawing parallels with the Jewish Wedding, and introduces the concept of the Millennial Reign with the session, “Standing at the BEMA.” It's a valuable continuation of your study on Bible Prophecy!

Set 2 – In-Depth Prophecy Teachings

This Set Includes the Following Teachings


CD177 The Timeline of the Great Tribulation

CD248 The Top Trigger Events from Now to the Tribulation

2CD401 Standing at the Bema

DV094 Jewish Wedding – A Revelation of the Rapture

2DV101 Unsealing the Daniel Cipher

4DV103 Antichrist, His Confederacy, and the Final Eighth Empire Package

BK-029 The Final Ciphers and The Return of Christ

BK-SC Unlocking the Secrets in the Second Coming Scrolls

BK-UB3 Unleashing the Beast

Save 20% ($199 If purchased separately)


Set 2 In-Depth Prophecy Teachings


Description of Teachings

Set 2 – In-Depth Prophecy Teachings

CD177 The Timeline of the Great Tribulation: Perry details from the Scriptures the Tribulation timeline and the Biblical ‘triggers’ releasing major events that will precede the coming “great and terrible day of the Lord.” This message helps resolve confusion that may be rising in the Body of Christ, concerning the timing of the great Tribulation.

CD248 The Top Trigger Events from Now to the Tribulation: On this audio CD, Perry will identify a list of events to help you discern the signs that reveal the tribulation is looming over the horizon.

2CD401 Standing at the Bema: You will one day stand face to face with Christ at a judgment called the Bema. What will you be judged for and how will you answer Christ when he exposes the idle words you spoke and your actions on earth? This two-hour teaching will explain, from beginning to end, what to expect and how you will be rewarded or stand ashamed when you appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to receive your eternal reward for the way you have lived your life.

DV094 Jewish Wedding – A Revelation of the Rapture: This DVD explores the ancient Jewish wedding ceremony that includes the mystery of the four Passover cups” is a revelation on the Rapture! To truly understand the concept of the rapture of the church”

2DV101 Unsealing the Daniel Cipher: Daniel was told that the understanding of his book would be sealed until the time of the end, when knowledge (of his visions) would increase. As time passes, we can understand not only the past, but the future as revealed in the dreams and visions penned in Daniel. Perry has spent thousands of hours reviewing the content and context of the numerous dreams and visions recorded by this great Hebrew prophet, including Aramaic and Hebrew word studies and the history behind the Daniel Cipher.

4DV103 Antichrist, His Confederacy, and the Final Eighth Empire Package: He has prepared this 8-Lesson expanded and detailed teaching contained in 4-DVDs on the Antichrist, His Confederacy, and the World’s Final Eighth Empire – The Empire that will Seize the World in the Future!

BK-029 The Final Ciphers and The Return of Christ: In his landmark book on end-time prophecy, Perry Stone has discovered stunning information that unlocks ancient ciphers. These ciphers conceal secrets for our generation that point to Christ’s return!

BK-SC Unlocking the Secrets in the Second Coming Scrolls: Perry Stone spent hundreds of hours to compile evidence that unlocks the marvelous secrets of Christ's Second Coming! This detailed book explains many difficult and unusual prophetic passages 

BK-UB3 Unleashing the Beast: This is the latest publication of Perry Stone's book, “UNLEASHING THE BEAST,” which was revised to include information explaining Israel's war with Iran which will eventually lead to the rise of the Anti-Christ! If you want to know what's coming, then this is the book to read!

Prophetic Learning Center Set 3 is where we take the journey of Bible Prophecy to the next level. It's packed with an array of extensive DVD teachings and two syllabus notebooks that promise to leave you both informed and inspired.

In this set, you'll uncover the remarkable connections between Jewish Feasts and the End-Time events, shedding new light on the relevance of prophecy in current times. This Set also includes Breaking the Apocalypse Code, which goes into great detail about the Book of Revelation. These teachings stand as some of the most comprehensive resources available today, offering you hours of in-depth explanations and insights into end-time world events. Get ready for a deep dive into prophecy like never before!

Set 3 – Extensive Prophecy Studies

This Set Includes the Following Teachings


2CD368 Second Coming Secrets

DV136 Unlocking the Millennial Code

DV140 The Hebrew Alphabet and Prophetic Code

DV173 Ancient Symbols and Prophetic Parables Revealing Christ’s Return

11DVD101 The Mystery of the Seven Feast of Israel

RA-137 The Rapture Revelation Study Series

MNL-RAP The Rapture Revelation Series Study Syllabus

APO-136 Breaking the Apocalypse Code Study Series

MNL-APOC1 Breaking the Apocalypse Study Syllabus

PBF-SET Unusual Prophecies Book Bundled Set

BK-012 Prophecies Concealed Now Revealed

BK-007 Deciphering End-Time Prophetic Codes

Save 20% ($437 If purchased separately)


Set 3 Extensive Prophecy Studies


Description of Teachings

Set 3 – Extensive Prophecy Studies

2CD368 Second Coming Secrets: This 2 set series shares a great historical understanding of the second coming teaching. Both messages help to unlock mysteries of the second coming! They will give you a great historical understanding and expose where the rapture is concealed in the Old Testament Torah and Psalms.

DV136 Unlocking the Millennial Code: The Millennial Kingdom; the events before, during, and after the 1,000-year reign of Christ. On this two hour DVD, Perry Stone begins his study from Jerusalem and describes the climax of the tribulation, the heavenly Marriage Supper, and the order of heavenly and earthly events during the final 48 hours leading to Christ's return!

DV140 The Hebrew Alphabet and Prophetic Code: If you enjoy Hebraic studies, you will be amazed to see this message preached in Grandville, Michigan. The Hebrew alphabet, the Jewish calendar, and the number code in the Torah actually encoded dates when certain major events would take place. See how certain verses make major dates, and how certain days reveal the event itself. Also see how the inscription on the cross, in Hebrew, actually encodes the sacred name of God, YHVH!

DV173 Ancient Symbols and Prophetic Parables Revealing Christ’s Return: rom deep within the Roman Catacombs to Christian symbols painted on stone to an amazing discovery in a Jerusalem grotto, the Christian faith has a rich history full of meaningful symbols. On this DVD, Perry Stone reveals unusual ancient symbols and unlocks the meaning of numerous New Testament prophetic parables that conceal obscure clues regarding Christ ‘s return. Perry explains the historical context of Christ ‘s second-coming parables as they relate to Greco-Roman and Hebraic culture. 

11DVD101 The Mystery of the Seven Feast of Israel: This teaching contains a total of 11 DVDs which are included in a compact album.   Delve into the mystery of the 7 Feasts of Israel as Perry and Bill Cloud share powerful illustrated messages to reveal Biblical truth in the significance of Israel's Feasts. You will enjoy learning and relating to the seven Feasts of Israel and gain an understanding of each of them.  

RA-137 The Rapture Revelation Study Series: This 5 DVD series focuses on the Apostle Paul, the Feasts of Israel, the mysterious book of remembrance, and the ancient Jewish Wedding.

MNL-RAP The Rapture Revelation Series Study Syllabus:  This is a spiral-bound study guide to The Rapture Revelation DVD Series.

APO-136 Breaking the Apocalypse Code Study Series: This study series of 8 DVDs clearly explains the 22 chapters of the Apocalypse, Totaling 14 hours of eye-opening, exciting prophetic insight.

MNL-APOC1 Breaking the Apocalypse Study Syllabus: This is a spiral-bound study guide to the Breaking the Apocalypse Code DVD Study Series.

PBF-SET Unusual Prophecies Book Bundled Set:  This is a set of six books that remain in inventory from a larger study series done by Perry Stone focusing on topics such as weather patterns, American History, the nation of Israel, and the mark of the beast.

BK-012 Prophecies Concealed Now Revealed: Within the Body of Christ are multiple voices, often teaching different orders of future events. Some emphasize a pre-tribulation return, while others point to a mid-tribulation or post-tribulation coming of Christ for the church. Who is right and can we know for certain? After 40 years of ministry and over 120,000 hours of personal Biblical research, Perry Stone believes he has discovered, with certainty, the order of future events as concealed in Israel’s final three fall festivals! When reading this book, you will learn that the chain of God’s divine order cannot be broken­­—as the types, patterns and fall festivals point to a pre-tribulation return of Christ for the overcoming believer (Revelation 2 and 3). Perry also takes “another look” at the days of Noah and Lot. He exposes fresh insight from Jewish sources that indicate this generation is running parallel to the signs from Noah and Lot’s day—pointing to Christ’s return (Luke 17:26-29).

BK-007 Deciphering End Time Prophetic Codes: In this book, Perry reveals that these cycles, patterns, and historical rhythms are one method God uses to help believers know what is coming. Perry shares visions and dreams that contain warnings and how believers must be prepared and write a compelling chapter on how the Hebrew alphabet, numbers, and Torah verses reveal prophetic codes and future events.

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